A Year Post Grad as a Montreal Graphic designer

In the near future, into my post grad as a Montreal graphic designer, I would like to enter the workforce straight after the college program, just after the month of May.

Stage as a Montreal Graphic Designer

For the reason being, that I am completing a 3-week stage period in mid-April to start the of May. During this, I will be able to gain more experience, and knowledge and jump in headfirst to work in an inspiring environment. I’ll be able to explore the depths of my horizons. Channeling that drive, directly towards my passions behind my work of graphic design and art.

Soon after, I may be considering travelling in May, after the very last weeks of my semester. It would be greatly extensive, as I explore my horizons at my current sense in the early beginnings of my future career. In order, to devote myself fully and become truly comfortable to exceed my capabilities further. Which leads me to a better place as an ever-improving designer.

Even after my exploration of travel, I still do wish to continuously go after my drive to explore, and learn. See what I’m truly capable of, with the knowledge I have now, as soon as I am ready and back home in Montreal as a graphic designer, all within the month of June.

During the summer

Within the year post grad, I hope to start searching for work as soon as the summer before landing into a more full-time position employment. After all these years, of studying the principles that work behind art and design, and working on projects that are close to my heart. I feel confident that with enough hard work, anything is possible. I am full of excitement for the upcoming future to see what challenges may come my way.

To reach me further, please feel free to reach me on my contact page